Graph data


Bar chart showing percentage response of services by region - lowest respondents are Midlands (just under 40%) and Wales (just over 40%), while the highest are Yorkshire (80%) and South West (just over 80%)

Figure 1


Staffing and Human Resources

Horizontal bar chart, showing the average hours per volunteer, with comparison from 2021-22 and 2022-23 - overall trend shows an increase in hours

Figure 2



Bar chart showing the average total of documents and containers by region, in cubic metres - lowest are South East and London (around 700 cubic metres), highest is East (1,800 cubic metres)

Figure 3

Bar chart showing the average percentage of archival holdings by region, that conform to BS4971 - lowest is London (around 50%), highest ate Wales, North East and Midlands (all around 100%)

Figure 4


Access and accessibility

Horizontal bar chart, showing regional average opening hours, against hours falling outside Monday to Friday 9am-5pm opening hours - the general trend shows that few hours are outside 9am-5pm weekdays

Figure 5

Bar chart showing regional averages of visitors solely to archives - most regions are around the 1,000 person mark

Figure 6


Finding aids

Bar chart showing regional averages of finding aids, as percentages of archival holdings - all regions provide online finding aids for over 50% of holdings, while hard copy finding aids are relatively low

Figure 7


Digital holdings

Horizontal bar chart showing regional averages of institutions using bespoke software, versus those using Preservica - most regions use bespoke software more than Preservica, with the exception of the South East region

Figure 8

Bar chart showing regional averages of OAIS-conforming born-digital records - lowest are North East and East with 1%, highest is South West with 5%

Figure 9


Events and exhibitions

Horizontal bar chart showing regional averages of total attendance of archives-only learning events held online, versus archives and other learning event held online - archives only figures are generally much higher

Figure 10

Horizontal bar chart showing regional averages of total attendance of archives only learning events, versus archives and other learning events - the overall trend shows that archives and other attendance is much higher

Figure 11


Outreach and social media

Bar chart showing regional averages of Twitter followers - lowest are South East and North West (around 2,500), highest are London, North East and East (around 3,500)

Figure 12

Horizontal bar chart showing Facebook page likes by region - lowest is North West (around 1,000), highest are Yorkshire and Wales (around 8,000)

Figure 13



Horizontal bar chart showing regional average revenue for 2021-22 - chart shows that revenue expenditure is higher than revenue income for all regions

Figure 14